Gabo de Gata

The Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park stretches along both sides of a spit of land. The nature in this area is of volcanic origin and is extremely rugged, but with cliffs, bays, rock formations, dry river beds and salt pans. A good start to visit the 45,000 hectare park is the visitor centre in Retamar.

A little further on, near the fishing village of San Miguel, the first attraction offers itself, the lagoons of Las Salinas de Cabo de Gata, a breeding ground of flamingos and many other bird species. From there a road full of hairpin bends leads to the cape lighthouse, with the spectacular reef of mermaids rising out of the water like a pointed rock.

From the promontory, the park’s coastline runs another 40 km north. The old fishing village of San José, built against a steep rock, is now a paradise for water sports enthusiasts.

Before you reach San José, you come along a dirt road that leads to one of the most beautiful spots in the natural park, the beaches of Playa de los Genoveses and Playa Mónsul, with impressive dunes and large rocks in all shapes and sizes. Beyond San José, Los Escullos is another beautiful place with a castle and a beach with jagged rocks.

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